Investments. Accounts. Documents. All in one place. Asset Vantage enables you to monitor and record your wealth and finances.
Asset Vantage subscribers get secure access to their entire net-worth anytime, anywhere with alerts and notification of investment maturity, trading ranges, corporate actions and much more at their finger tips. Reports can be shared with Chartered Accountants, Investment Advisors, and one can stay in control of family assets. The Asset Vantage app also enables access to global news feeds, portfolio watchlist and a unique market place of alternative investment opportunities from our partners.
Key Features (All users) :
Track news feeds from a selection of publications and news categories
Maintain and track your stock watchlist (gain / loss, 52wk range, market performance)
Key Features (Asset Vantage : subscribed users) :
Asset allocation by asset class, investment strategy, time weighted returns and cash-flow based IRRs
Drill down to individual holding positions within investment strategies
Performance by individual entities and
Access end of day updated asset allocation and time weighted cash-flow performance IRRs, benchmark IRRs across all family accounts and entities.